Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Decorating your new born's Nursery

Your New born's Nursery should be bright, well lit and airy. Put up beautiful, light curtains.

Display some greeting cards from his/her dear ones

Make sure your New born is comfortable and warm when he sleeps

Choose a safe crib. It should comfortable, sturdy and safe. See the color and size.

Get few toys for your new born baby

Make sure the baby gets undisturbed and peaceful sleep. Keep a baby monitor too.

Putting toys in a hammock is another good idea

Add few more decorations on the side table

Hang some coordinated pictures on the wall. Make the room very neat and clutter free.

Hang a cute mobile on baby's crib

Stuff toys are always child's favorite

The baby's closet should be very neat

Choose baby's stroller

See if your crib comes with inbuilt diaper changing station or else get one seperately

Your little angel will surely be very happy in his/her nursery.


  1. Thanks so much for the tips. One idea I had was to create a wall of pictures of my newborn. I bought the frame kit from the Perfect Picturewall Company and it turned out great. It came with 10 beautiful frames and it was up on the wall in ten minutes. All you need is a hammer and you have a gallery of your newborn on the wall. Check it out at their website:

