Monday, June 10, 2013

Random ramblings

Do you have some strange coincidences in your life?
I have 2.
1. Whenever, I reverse my car and take it out of my drive way, my mobile rings. I get a call. And since, I talk through bluetooth of my car and the reverse sensor is beeping too, the caller hears me speak along with the beep beep of the sensor. But STRANGELY, it has happened 100% of times- reverse the car = get a random call.
2. Similarly, whenever I am out shopping and am in a trial room, trying clothes, my phone again always rings. ALWAYS. And I get really irritated answering it.
But now I have almost accepted these facts. I almost expect a phone call in these two situations. Though, I am not very happy about it.

Few changes in my life-

Barely any time to watch TV, read magazines or even newspapers. No time for movies. I saw one recently after 5-6 months.
Less socializing. Interacting with more quality people than quantity. Not mentioning them much on the blog.
Less shopping.
More productive time spending.

2 Things high on my wish list that have not been launched in India yet but I am waiting for them as their eager customer
1. Square
2. Tesla car

What is necessary and what is unnecessary for me in life

I need less food, less sleep, lots of dancing, meditation (connection with my Guru), lots of romance, health and well being of my loved ones, beautiful Tango dresses, shoes and accessories, fit and healthy body, 3-4 vacations in a year ( all where I can get a fix of my Tango addiction), trips/ extended stay in Argentina, of course, my nice and stable career to support all the above and super Tango partner. It is not asking for too much. It is pretty realistic no?

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