Monday, July 7, 2008

Infant Massage

Relaxes Infant
Loving touch lessens tension, fussiness and irritability. Digestion is improved. This can provide relief of gas and colic. Massage is also a wonderful way to lessen stress of parent and baby.

Enhances Bonding
Touch conveys nurturing and love, the essential ingredients for emotional and physical growth and bonding.

Aids Growth and Development
Studies have shown increased weight gain, and immune function. These things in turn are needed for brain and muscle development.

Promotes Communication
Parents become more aware of baby's nonverbal cues. One-on-one communication instills a message of love and security.

Improves Baby's Sleep
As your infant learns to relax and release stress, he sleeps sounder and longer.


  1. He is such a cute baby :)
    I wish I could pull his cheeks right now!

  2. He is the cutest baby in this universe
