Friday, May 15, 2009

Sugar and its effects

Would you survive longer on a diet of just water OR on a diet of water and refined sugar?

The answer: You would survive longer on just water.

Sound impossible? Just ask the five sailors who were ship wrecked in 1793.

The ship was filled with sugar, thus giving the marooned five a diet of sugar and water. When they were finally picked up, nine days later, they were in a wasted condition due to starvation.

The story of the five sailors intrigued French physiologist Francois Magendie to conduct a series of experiments in which he fed dogs a diet of sugar. All of the dogs died.

Magendie proved that as a steady diet, refined sugar is worse than nothing.

How can sugar be worse than nothing? Plainly put, refined sugar is an anti-nutrient.

It starts out as sugar cane, and then goes through an extensive refining process that destroys all of the enzymes, fiber, vitamins and minerals. What you're left with are empty, naked calories.

The problem is that your body needs the enzymes, fiber, vitamins and minerals that were taken out in the refining process in order to metabolize sugar and use it as energy. So it takes those nutrients from your own body.

So while you are enjoying that chocolate bar, sugar is draining vital nutrients from your body. Like a sweet parasite.

And it doesn't end there…

Sugar creates false hunger (as a result of the insulin rush and then ensuing plummet in your blood sugar levels), which makes you overeat. This means a constant struggle with your weight in which you never seem to achieve your ideal size.

Sugar promotes aging (due to the advanced glycation end products, or AGEs, that occur when insulin levels are consistently elevated as a result of eating too much sugar). Sugar has even been dubbed the negative fountain of youth.

Sugar weakens your bones - making you vulnerable for osteoporosis, and weakens your teeth - making you vulnerable for cavities (both due to the calcium being pulled from your bones and teeth in order for your body to process sugar).

Sugar in excess is stored as fat (after your liver has no more room to store it, sugar is converted to fat and deposited on your belly, thighs, hips and the backs of your arms).

Sugar can impair brain functioning (as a result of depleted B-vitamin production).

If you're still not convinced of the danger of sugar here are more ailments linked to its overconsumption: varicose veins, constipation, hormonal imbalances, ADD and ADHD, increased emotional instability, depressed immune system, increased risk of cancer and degenerative diseases.

The average modern person consumes 46 teaspoons of sugar every day. That comes out to roughly 175 pounds of sugar each year.

And it's no wonder, since sugar industry is big business. They sneak sugar into any product that they can.

Go through the foods in your home and you'll see that sugar has been added to everything from ketchup and spaghetti sauce to crackers, oatmeal, peanut butter and even ‘healthy' items like weight loss bars.

Where does this leave you?

You are in a unique position. Your personal judgment determines the foods that you eat and the foods that you avoid. It is my hope that you approach sugar with new eyes.

While all other foods offer you caloric energy PLUS some nutritional benefit, sugar doesn't. Sugar is simply caloric energy with a sweet habit forming taste, and a hoard of health risks.

Use your judgment wisely and limit your sugar consumption - you'll love the benefits of low sugar living.

And while you're at it contact me to start a training program that will turbo-charge your results.

(Oh and if you're ever in a ship wreck with only sugar and water at your disposal - just drink the water!)

The Many Names of Sugar

While you're checking out nutrition labels for sugar content be on the lookout for the following names that all describe refined sugar:

High fructose corn syrup
Organic sugar

Lentil Fruit Salad
This recipe is as refreshing as it is nutritious. Plump black lentils mixed with chunks of mango, strawberries, tomatoes and onions will tease your taste buds into submission. A splash of balsamic vinegar is the only flavoring that this colorful salads needs. Serve as a side dish or as a light meal.
Yield: 3 serving

Here's what you need...

1 cup black lentils, cooked
1 medium mango, cut into 1 inch cubes
1 medium tomato, chopped
6 medium strawberries, chopped
1 tablespoon red onion, finely chopped
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste

Place the lentils in a medium bowl. Chop the fruit and onions, add to lentils.
Add balsamic vinegar to the lentils and fruit, mix until well combined.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 148 calories, 1g fat, 27g carbohydrate, 10 g fiber, and 9g protein.


  1. Ah! so true..sugar is a sweet-n-slow killer.

  2. Yes I switched to Sugar free , after my dear Teacher Bawa told us that He wishes that he had stopped sugar when he was our age..

    anyways My diet is very simple roti and subzi.. and have even quit tea now..

    Thanks for this piece of knowledge

  3. hi
    very good information kiran
    thnx a lot for all mith people hav in mind regarding sugar

  4. Nice post Kiran. Had heard Bawa say the same thing about maida too. Whats hard is how to substitute a healthier alternative in place of sugar . Any Ideas ?


  5. Thanks Kiran! Motivated me to try and avoid sugar as much as possible. It's hard ... but at least now I know! :o)

  6. nice space...lot of information to digest.Will come back for sure.
    i love desserts so i find it difficult to cut out sugar from my diet...any suggestions - healthier alternative for sugar please?????
