Thursday, March 8, 2012

Buenos Aires Diary- day 2

My energy levels surprise me. After attending two milongas and sleeping for about 4 hours, I woke up fresh next morning. Felt like trying out the hotel gym and the pool. Well, just like I do not shoot my dancing pictures, I of course, did not click my workout pictures and swimming pictures. But what I did self click, were my,  pictures after taking shower. Actually, once I am in action- like dancing, workout etc, I am so immersed in the activity, that I cant give it a break to set up my tripod and shoot. Its only before and after, that I specially take out time to shoot. Whatever I do, I am completely absorbed in it, in that moment.

In case, you are wondering, what I am holding in my hand in every picture, it is my remote of the camera, which I use sometimes to self click.

Later during the day, I also tried a Pilates class. I did not rate the instructor too high. I can bet, I could have given a far better pilates class and given her a run for money. But of course, I do not speak Spanish. Despite that, in Delhi, I have instructed clients who neither know English nor Hindi. They are expats and through demonstrations, I have always instructed them well. I have never had any problem. At the end of the class, the instructor specially walked up to me to tell me that I was outstanding and had a perfect posture and stance. She asked me if I had done pilates before. I feigned ignorance. I did not reveal to her that I was an instructor myself. She would have been too self conscious otherwise. My qualifications and experience were higher than hers and I did not want her to feel bad. I told her that I really enjoyed her class and that she was good. It made her so happy. I was itching to find an instructor whom I could learn something from.

Another thing worth telling. That day, I found a Mexican passport in the elevator of the hotel. I dutifully handed it at the reception of the hotel. I do hope that it reached safely to the person whom it belonged to.

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