Friday, November 14, 2008

Black, Children Day, Salsa, Tango

My blogger friend Santoshi has sent me such awesome pictures of me. I had to put them on my blog. Do check her link here. Thanks Santoshi.

Today is Children's Day. My sons have planned for movie- Dostana for tomorrow.

Morning, I had few children over in my studio for whom there were fitness sessions on the house. Exercises for kids. Stretching, jumping and playing around. My weekend starts tonight. I am off to do Salsa.

Tomorrow there is also Tango workshop in my studio by Rebacca and Olga.


  1. ha ha luv to watch ..tat....nice pics re

  2. Oh it must have been a load of fun having kids over at your studio.

    i had no idea it was children's day.

    Have a wonderful weekend Kiran :-)

  3. Salsa! :( I so wanted to learn it as well! But not many places in here, where I can learn salsa from!

  4. happy children's day..and have a nice tango

    I am really inspired by that 1st post of urs..your timeline of weight loss...O God, such a I gotta do something with my tummy:D

  5. salsa tango .... man why is kanyakumari so far away from new delhi?

  6. @ Agnes. 14th November is Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru's Birthday who loved children a lot. In India, it is children's day. Schools are off and my children too demand to be taken out etc.

  7. @ Shrav. Where are you from? You learn and start teaching it if there is no one doing it.

  8. @ Praveen. Read some of my posts about abdominal exercises. There are quite a few of those. Thanks.

  9. @ Chriz. Our India is big. That is why it is so far. yet Internet has connected everyone.

  10. thanks a am gonna get 3 pack atleast:P

  11. @ praveen. 3 pack? hhavent ever heard of it. ha ha

  12. Wow...the pics are interesting. And its nice to know you had a session for kids. Enjoy ur weekened chief...have loads of fun dancing.

  13. @ Shrav. Now this you have to figure out. I can tell you only places in Delhi

  14. kids are soo much fun but you have to patience with them..I m learning that slowly...

    Great pics and sounds lots of fun!

  15. @ Achal. Kids are so much fun. full of energy. no inhibitions or pre mindsets, ready to soak all the knowledge. No fears, like, i would not jump cause it is bad for my knees.
    bounce and play. i love their energy.
