Monday, October 13, 2008


Another product I like is Origins.
I have tried quite a number of their products and they all seem reasonably good. One of their face pack is Out of Trouble® 10 minute mask to rescue problem skin

I use it as a quick fix to clean my skin and feel fresh. The color and texture is like a toothpaste- very white. But in 10 minutes, it does its job well.

Then I have Active charcoal mask

It feels very warm on the face and I decided to use it only in winters. It does not work well in Delhi summer heat. Here you need something cooling and refreshing.

This is a black colored face mask. It helps to clean up even the clogged pores. With lots of pollution in Delhi, it does work well.

Recently I bought Getting Warmer™ Purifying clay mask.

For body, i tried Ginger body smoother

Must say is a great scrub with mesmerizing fragrance.

Their sensory therapy is another exquisite.

What I am not particularly fond of are their cosmetics like mascara, lip glass etc.

But They have one of the best sun screen and eye cream that I have ever tried.


  1. are more than a fitness freak....

  2. You know, I never heard of Origins. You look so pretty in your picture that I want to try it, LOL.

    Do they have an internet shop? Are they expensive?

  3. @ agnes
    Thanks. I have not tried their online shopping. Always bought them over the counter. They are not cheap.
