Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This post is dedicated to mea culpa, who in my previous post asked me about treatment pimples (acne). Years back, I also had this acute problem of acne on my face. It used to really bother and concern me. I had tried everything possible with my limited knowledge (basically all the home made packs recommended by my mom).

Some people told me to drink extremely bitter neem juice. I even did that (foolishly). I used to think that it was due to excessive sweat that I had because of my workout. For quite sometime, I would pacify myself thinking that only teenagers had it, so it was a sign of me being forever 16.

Finally I was training a client of mine, who told me about a dermatologist, whom she was consulting. I took his name and number and consulted him. He gave me a prescription of a drug called Roaccutane. That time, only the imported one was available in Indian market and it was very expensive. Now there is Indian version also available called Isotretinoin. This drug miraculously helped me have a very clear skin. But I must confess that it made me gain tremendous amount of weight which I had to deal with later.

Roaccutane capsules contain the active ingredient isotretinoin. (NB. Isotretinoin capsules are also available without a brand name, ie as the generic medicine.) Isotretinoin belongs to a group of medicines known as retinoids, which are derivatives of vitamin A. Isotretinoin taken by mouth works by reducing the production of the skin’s natural oil (sebum).

Acne occurs due to an excessive production of sebum from over-active sebaceous glands in the skin. The sebum blocks the sebaceous glands, which prevents the oil from flowing freely out and causes an accumulation of sebum under the skin. The bacteria associated with acne thrive in these conditions. They feed on the sebum, and produce waste products and fatty acids that irritate the sebaceous glands, making them inflamed and causing spots.

Isotretinoin decreases the size and activity of the sebaceous glands in the skin, which reduces the amount of sebum that is produced. This stops the glands becoming blocked, and means bacteria are less likely to thrive. It also reduces the inflammation in the skin.

Isotretinoin can have serious side effects and its use must be supervised by a dermatologist. It is reserved for the treatment of severe acne (such as nodular or conglobate acne or acne at risk of permanent scarring) that has not improved with standard treatment involving oral antibiotics and topical medicines.

Be aware of some expected side effects of your Acne Treatment.
Whilst on Roaccutane, you will experience some side effects. These include dryness in several parts of the body and possible tiredness of the muscles and bones.

ROACCUTANE can cause birth defects.

Under absolutely no circumstances should Roaccutane be used by pregnant women or by women who intend to become pregnant - during treatment and for one month after stopping Roaccutane therapy.
All possibility of pregnancy must be ruled out one month before and after you start your Roaccutane treatment. This should include the strict birth control methods.
One month after you've finished your treatment, life can continue as normal, only better.

Who's suitable for ROACCUTANE

Roaccutane is suitable for any person (male or female) with acne, regardless of age. The only people who shouldn't take Roaccutane are pregnant women or women who are breast feeding.


  1. Hi Di, Another version of ROACCUTANE used in Canada is called Accutane. I took it for about 8 months. The side effects are terrible - weight gain, mood swings, dryness, tireness etc. Also, you cannot get pregnant for at least 8-9 months after you stop taking Accutane. But, the medicine works like a charm - I struggled with acne all my life. After taking Accutane, I have not had any acne in the last 2 years :)

  2. Wow -- great insight! I didn't even know they had drugs for acne.
    I very rarely break out and find that benzoyl peroxide creams (2.5% or higher) take care of it within 24 hours.
    I am curious to know how much weight you gained as a side effect.

  3. I'll hv to tell my cuzn abt this...she always gets zits and she hates it.

    tnxx girl!


  4. @ keshi yes this is effective. but do tell her to consult a dermatologist first.

  5. Kiran, where are the pictures - I can't find them...?

  6. @agnes. see this post

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