Saturday, January 8, 2011

8th Jan 2011 Satsang!

Saturday saw the usual 3000+ people in the ashram and after VM was half full news spread the satsang was in the amphitheater. It was really amazing and amusing to see everyone make a dash to sit "right ahead - near the stage"...

Little after 6:30pm we hear -

"hmmmmmmmmmmmm... How're you all??
As you sow, so shall you reap. We need to have an Intention and then bring attention on it and then it will manifest. So Intention - Attention - Manifestation... As you walk on the path it's absolutely essential to have Character (sheela) - good character. You need to bless people and not curse or wish bad for them. On the path you get the power to bless but the power to curse comes first - and hence it is essential you do not reduce your power by wishing bad and cursing others. One should not see things that are not nice. One should avoid speaking an unpleasant truth and also not speak pleasant lies! This is the ancient path.. It sounds contradictory but that it the truth.
That's why when you do a yagya you say let's do good for everyone. It is not just for you or a selfish motive.. Wishing good for everyone.. In olden times generally when anyone was going out and someone else asked them where/why they are going and said "NO" - even if it was a child who said "don;t go" - people would not go out... The idea was that any action which had a negative sankalpa to it would not be good! a negative implication is called a Vikalpa. And that's why the elders would say - Never has a Vikalpa.
They would keep a session or time when people would debate and come out with arguments and counter thoughts - but while an action was being undertaken there should not be a vikalpa. Keep having attention on the intention..
Times have changed today - you can't depend on such omens but we should understand the principles behind it! People will put lots of obstacles in the way - situations will arise which will be difficult - but it the intention is good - NEVER stop your action.
5 years ago when we wanted to have our Silver Jubilee celebration so many people said "no" or had vikalpa's... so many gave many "logical" explanations on why it couldn't happen. Stampede, security, terrorist threat, so many religious leaders to meet up, stage size and so many other reasons - we listened and yet never listened...
The outcome was it stood out as on of the most unique programs ever the world witnessed. About 2.5 Million people attended it! The program happened because so many other people said "Yes". It happened because so many people wanted it to happen!
We need to dream. TO dream something big and have attention on the intention. I tell you - It will manifest.
And whatever the result - weather success or failure - attribute it to the universal spirit. Have an intention but know how to surrender it. Else you will be come like so many others - people have intention and are in-tension because of the intention :D :D :D
Don;t be like the other set also - laid-back and saying - oh whatever has to happen will anyway happen etc.. No - Moderation is the key... Both are needed - intention and surrender.
That is why Sadhana is so important."

then time for some QnA -

Q) Guruji I love you very-very much!I want to be with you always. But will you be with me always?
Guruji: There is no choice my dear. Neither for you - nor for me. We have been together for many lifetimes - we are here now - and we'll continue in the future too!

Q) Guruji you have become so famous - do you feel you have lost your liberty because of this?
Guruji: No! I have not and will not lose my liberty at any cost. You know here everything is in abundance - but the only thing i say i don;t have - is Time. That's the only thing. There is so much to do but so little time.

Q) Does an enlightened master help on the spiritual path?
Guruji: You need to tell me that. How many of you find coming here helpful? (everyone raised their hand) Looks like it works :D :D :D Our mind is used to getting influenced by everything around it. That's why the company you move around with is important... When you're in a place where there is much positivity then you blossom!

Q) When The mind goes on analyzing when it's not regretting- is it because of the "pitta"?
Guruji: Yes, Pitta is one of the reasons. You should talk to our Ayurveda doctors. Have milk - triphala - chavanprash... And don;t think too much!
I know some people who look into the meaning of any and every action - for instance a crow singing! that's too much to look into as a sign by nature! If the car stops on the way of a trip it need not necessarily mean you shouldn't be going to where you were going...
sometimes nature just see;s how strong is your sankalpa!
But don;t be too blind to signs around you. Neither become paranoid. In both cases you go cuckoo! :D
When you are on the right path and doing good for everyone then remain strong and focused. Cause during this time for sure you will face obstacles - you have to stand up against corruption and other difficulties. There are so many time we have faced difficulties - but we have never done anything wrong - and hence many things might have taken time for us - but we have emerged victorious and we will continue to do so.

Q) You are the best - I know that. But how do i know if i'm a good disciple?
Guruji: You;re question has the answer. If i'm the best - how can anything i have not be perfect? :)

Q) Is spirituality so difficult? so many people are on the path but so few get enlighten....
Guruji: listen listen listen.... Absolutely not... Spirituality is NOT at all difficult. Spirituality is to have connectivity to the universal spirit. Spirituality is not about doing bhastrika! feeling the connection is Spirituality. You can feel that even while driving a car! So now don;t use this line to escape your sadhana... Life is sadhana - everything is sadhana... all these practices are just ways for you to feel the connection.
Don;t say i feel connection and not do meditation - that's an excuse. Meditation is essential.
When you are tensed what do you say?? - Just leave me alone. Don;t you say that?? But you don;t know how to be alone. Just like a baby - when it wants to sleep it cries! it's tired and wants to sleep but it doesn't know how to - so then the mother has pat the head and sing a lullaby or cradle the baby and then slowly the baby sleeps!
It's the same with us - we ALL want to get back to the source but we don;t know how to!

Q) What is after liberation?
Guruji: Let's go one step at a time! if i tell you everything now what's the suspense :) First you get liberated and then we'll see what next :D

Q) Why did God create fear?
Guruji: He didn't! He created love. Love felt like doing sheershasana and so it stood upside down and love standing upside down is fear!

And then we ended today's satsang!
Jai Jai radha raman hari bol.. Jai Jai Radha Raman Hari Bol.............

SUTRA: "Be more Grateful. When we are Grateful for whatever God has given us, then we never lack anything & the grace continues forever."- Sri Sri.

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