Sunday, January 30, 2011

Love at First site

Have you come across certain blogs, with which you have "Love at first site" kind of relationship? Please do mention them in the comments section.

Mostly people visit certain blogs as as obligation. You feel obliged to go and comment on a blog as reciprocating thing. Or you want to have some 50 comments under your each blog post, so you randomly visit some 50 blogs a day and without even reading a blog, write a comment like- "Nice post", "interesting", bla bla bla.

I have been ranting about my favorite bloggers so far. To my old readers, that is no breaking news.
But the breaking news is 3 more additional blogs with which I fell in Love at the very first site. They deserve a mention here.

I would not rant and describe them in detail but just give you a link below, for you to read and visit and decide on your own. Here are the 3 blogs that have recently caught my attention.

1. Tashrin
2. Second Skin Style
3. Sea Of Shoes

Yes all of them are fashion blog.

Which are your top favorite blogs?


  1. Yes, Kiran there are many who hop blogs and leave comments with out reading them. One can make out just by reading the comment.

  2. I love Tashrin and Sea of Shoes as well :) I have not yet seen Second Skin. One site I absolutely love and recently discovered is, you should check it out :)


  3. Kiran,

    Nice post. Hahaha :)))

    You ask a question so I will reply honestly. I visit some blogs because I like them and visit some because of obligation because the blog authors are so nice with me.

    But I comment with full honesty. If I don't like something I say it and it is only once one blogger did not like my criticism but other than that every blogger accepts my suggestion and make changes.

    I visit some blogs because authors are putting efforts to write something and a little encouragement helps.

  4. @Kiran,

    One more thing. I love comments on my posts. And I noticed when my posts are simple and easy, I get more comments. But when my post is complicated and requires prior knowledge of the subject, I get less comments. This clearly tells me in general people comment if they like and understand a post. There might be exceptions.

    Sometimes I write a post JUST FOR OPINION OF OTHERS...that is comments from others and when people do comment, I really like it.

  5. Kiran, First of all....thank you so much. :) Coincidentally all your favorite blogs....Second Skin, Leia's Delights, Sea of Shoes and Dusk zone are my favorites too.

    I read quite a lot of blogs everyday. Mainly because I try my hardest to answer back all the comments I receive. I also visit about 7-10 new blogs everyday because you never know who/ what you might find.

    Plus I sneak in some time to read the blogs on my evergrowing "daily Reads" page. Those are my absolute favorites....and I usually do not comment on them unless I really really have something to say. :)


    Tashrin - Style musings of a Bengali girl from Canada
