Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hidden Readers

How silly. People (my hidden, so called relatives) come and read my blog on everyday basis and yet think as if they are invisible or I am a fool that I do not know who reads my blog and who does not. Or as if I really care.

Darlings, I get such following emails when you subscribe to my blog

"Someone just subscribed to your blog, Kiran Sawhney. This means they will get an email every time you publish a post. Congratulations.

Their email address is, and they appear to be from New Delhi, Delhi, India"

At least be intelligent enough to be hidden and invisible. Tch Tch!!

You need more spice and Gossip? Do you think I care one bit for you?

Sweatheart (yes, you are a sweatheart and not a sweetheart), if I am writing a blog, you should know, I am at least this much net/tech savvy as to know who visits my blog, when, and even reads which page or post. Keep coming back and make it more popular by increasing the number of hits.


  1. Interesting title, intersting post too.The tile made me cutrious .

  2. @ A

    No the reference here was not to my husband but his side of relatives who are more interested in what I wear and eat or dance with, rather than reading my art of living posts and make their lives better. Jealous people.

  3. oops, that was from the bottom of your heart.I know it hurts,but as you said you dont have to bother. A prolific blogger like you conveying so much & so many aspects of life should have more followers. Just ignore the J ones for they will urn out in /with their own jealousy.
    God bless

  4. Hahaha! So funny. I have a few hidden readers, too. Some relatives who I don't mind, but some are future in-laws who like to see what I am wearing and what I am getting up to. It irks me a little bit but there's nothing I can do about it!
