Monday, November 3, 2008


India has an answer to Evian now. Evian is mineral water from the French Alps. Now India has launched Qua, which is natural mineral water from Himalayan foothills.

It has beautiful bottle. And it is targeting the premium segment. This bottle is priced at Rs.40/-

Some say you are what you eat. I would also say that you are what you drink. After all 75% of human body is water. Qua is 100% natural and well balanced with minerals. Better still, it is bottled at source using advanced French expertise.

The water in your body renews itself every six weeks. I suggest you replenish it with something full of minerals.


  1. Very informative post. By the way, what is the cost of this Qua bottle?

  2. i remember my frnd gettin looted aftr buyin this bottle in a city multiplex :)

    40 bucks for paani :-)

  3. @ desh. Your friend was not looted. That is the actual cost of this paani. compare this to Evian. You will find it very reasonable. :)

  4. 40 Rs for Water sounds crazy to me, especially in a country with no clean water for so many :)

    but still thr r ppl who pay for it, so let them hav it

  5. the first cry of a baby is qua.. and nice naming ....

  6. @ Chriz. I Guess the name is from aqua.

  7. Great post, Kiran.
    Have you ever observed that when you don't drink enough water you'll feel HUNGRIER than usual? Or is it just me?

  8. @ Agnes. Yes Our body is always thirsty first but we mistake it as sign of hunger and eat. But if you first replenish it with water, you will suppress the hunger.
    Which exactly means what you said- If you don't drink enough water, you will feel more hungry. It is not just you.

  9. this is my favorite beverage...water is so important that I can physically see the difference in the way I work if I am dehydrated..AWESOME POST
