Saturday, December 4, 2010

Guruji answers few questions

Q) How do we raise our children in this competitive world?
Guruji: The world has always been competitive. Sometimes back it maybe wasn't at this scale but it always was competitive. You need to bring them up with values. Don't blame time for this by calling it Kalyuga etc.

(Then there was a question of difference between life and Brahm - to which Guruji asked Maharaj-ji to speak)

Guruji: A balloon and vessel both have air/space inside it as well as outside it. The air inside a balloon is what is life with the aspects of anger joy compassion and such things you experience inside. But outside also it exists.
God is life.
We need to know this, understand and believe this. Once we know it then we should quieten yourself. It's like a wave trying to find the ocean! Arre - until it relaxes how will it know the wave is the ocean?

Q) I cannot accept comments when people criticize me. I get disturbed and angry. what do i do?
Guruji: How long does this affect you? How long does it last? (the man said - sometime) after that? (he said - it's ok after sometime) that's all it is my dear - nothing lasts forever! just accept it. It's ok. You need not accept it whole heartedly (and we all started laughing) but welcome the criticism. people have a habit of commenting and saying so many things - why is it you take the praises they say at face value which they might not mean from their heart - but believe any criticism comes straight from their heart???
Sometimes the criticism might be for the better and helps you. Sometimes the praise might not be the same. Have you done the DSN??? (man says - no guruji) then you do that :)

Q) You just said we are like the balloon - so how do we fill it with happiness?
Guruji: Are you happy now? (man says - Yes) that's all then! you are a the right place! I'll tell you a story - a lady once went to a saint and asked him - "why is there so much unhappiness, problems and misery in this world?" the saint said - "just imagine in this sad unhappy and world full of misery everyone is stuck and not wanting to let-go, then if everything was good happy and nice how/why you would you wish to look for liberation?? this is for your benefit :)
But I tell you - where is it you cannot see joy??? the stream flows - the birds are singing - the sun rises the moon shines so beautifully - the children playing and laughing - don't you all see this??? I can;t see anything but these things :)
you know, life is 20% sorrow and 80% joy. but our mind is such that it makes us feel we have 2000% sorrow!

Q) Today the naxal problem in India is so rampant - how do we work on this and make the poor and uneducated people who are involved in this come out of it?
Guruji: You know, I've been working on this very extensively. I have met the naxals several times and spoken to them and mediated on various occasions. The naxals are not poor helpless and weak people only. You think an uneducated person can make explosives just like that and work on so many activities? how can a malnourished/poor person have energy to lift an AK 47 and combat with the police and task forces? no - there are many others involved here and using this bait.
In fact from my discussions they have mentioned their logic to me. they said - if we go for elections then the ones who elect us can also bring us down. Did Lenin/Stalin/Mao all of them ask people and come to power? No! even we want to get into authority on our own power and crusade!
You see how flawed this logic is? And they are all supported with some members of an organization like JNU which go tell them about Marx and Lenin and Communist Russia and feed them with such theories.
None on the path of spirituality will go on the path of violence under the guise of social development. That's why i have even said Krishna has said this much before Marx and Lenin said it. Work for the society is part of spirituality.

Guruji: You have no choice in that - and I'll send you my hugs from here - take it :)

Q) How can we fight poverty in India?
Guruji: The biggest reason for poverty in India is alcoholism. So many people spend upto 60% of their daily wages in toddi shops (these are cheaper alcohol stores). If a village is below poverty line - then tell me why should there be toddi shops in that village???
The Art of Living have worked in so many villages and in all of them one of the first things we did was to remove these alcohol shops and the results were almost immediate. Villages transformed and came out of poverty.
Another factor is about caste and discrimination. A very good point is today's youth do not think like this and no more have caste as an issue. We have to spread the awareness more. We should look to come together - people of all castes creed and religion and celebrate together. This will create harmony peace and feeling of togetherness.

Q) What is spirituality?
Guruji: The feeling of oneness. and we need to increase this sphere of oneness.

Q) How do you know you are in love or not?
Guruji: If you sit for a movie cross legged for 3 or 4 hours, you legs will hurt. Isn;t it? (the girl says - yes) how do you know it hurts?? (and everyone again claps and laughs)

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