Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wish You All a very Happy New Year

This is the last fashion post of year 2010. What are your plans for tonight- for the New Year Eve? Do you have any New Year Resolutions?

This is what I wore yesterday

Sweater: Gucci
Boots: Nine West
Bag: LV
Skirt: It is the skirt that needs a special mention. It is a vintage again. My dad got it for me when I was about 15 year. It is tweed skirt. Since then, every winter, it has been worn at least once. It even went with me to my honeymoon. It has even been passed to my sister and has come back to me again. It had originally come with a very smart jacket. Which, somehow, over the years, got lost. I still ask my mom to find that jacket.
As a testimony to my old days, my college friend dished out the picture below, where I am wearing the same skirt with its original jacket.

This is my college girls group. We are all now settled in different parts of the world. But still very much in touch. Thanks, to facebook etc. Aahh!! Heading towards 2011 and am transported to 1989.

Wish you all a Very Happy New Year.


  1. Happy New Year 2011 to you too. We have two parties - one on afternoon for my daughter's birthday (she was boron on 31 Dec) and then New Year party at night. It is only 30th night here.

  2. Wish you a very Happy & Prosperous New year.
    You got transported to 1989 ( though there seems to be no difference in you in all the years ! ) I am getting transported to 1974 with my classnmates ,this evening in the form of a family get together.

    Are you sure ,that was your last post for this still have 14 hours left !!

  3. Happy new year! How awesome that you are still wearing that skirt. I hope you find the jacket some day.

    Every year my family has a New Year's Eve dinner party. Before the end of the night my brothers make a swift exit to go to a 'real' party ;) but I stay at home with my family and celebrate the new year with them.

    I do have a list of resolutions :)

  4. Photos are awesome. Happy New year.

  5. happy new year Dear Kiran you look very classy in the skirt
    I don't make resolutions but plan to work out regularly this year
