Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fashion styles and trends make a comeback

Fashion styles do make a come back. Freida Pinto is wearing the latest Louis Vuitton Fall 2011 playsuit.
Below I am wearing a vintage dress handed down to me by my sister. The two styles are pretty similar. Are'nt they? In fact, this is a style which will never go out of fashion. It is very classic.


  1. Fashion! Ain't it tough to keep track...

  2. Fashion is a bit tough for me to keep up. Cause i can't think beyond black.. black shirt, black t-shirts, black vest, black shoes and black pants... My whole wardrobe is black.. lol

  3. love your pose in the second pic

  4. Fashion is a cycle. I agree. For men, fashion is always the same....haha :)

  5. That's a cute dress--I love the details on the collar!
